General Diversity/Multicural Sites
See also:
Immigrant Experience
Wordpress: Diversity Resources
World Almanac for Kids - Resources for homework, reports, and projects in a fun format from a trusted source; written for students in 4th - 8th grade. The Multicultural biographies section (in TOPICS, listed under BIOGRAPHIES) features notable Black, Asian, and Hispanic Americans. In TOPICS, listed under SOCIAL STUDIES, you'll find pages on African-American History, Holidays & Celebrations, Latino-American History, Multicultural America, and Native American Life. If you're using this resource at home, you'll have to enter your library card barcode to begin.
FACTS ON FILE AMERICAN HISTORY - Spanning our nation's history - from prehistory to the present day - Facts on File's American History was developed and curated by leading editors and scholars in the study of American history. It contains articles, images, primary source documents, timelines, videos, and slideshows, and now includes
New Multicultural Topic Centers covering African-American History, Arab-American History, Asian-American History, Jewish-American History, and Native American History. If you're using this resource at home, you'll have to enter your library card barcode to begin.
FACTS ON FILE WORLD GEOGRAPHY AND CULTURE - A global approach to the study of countries, places, peoples, and geography concepts and skills. Select a country and click on 'Country News' in the left-hand menu to find out about current events in that country. If you're using this resource at home, you'll have to enter your library card barcode to begin.
Recommended Reading Lists - The South Plainfield Public Library staff has put together dozens of reading lists that include kids' books on 'Colors of our Community,' a wide range of holidays, and themes such as heritage months. If you see a book on one of the lists that interests you, just click on the *CHECK CATALOG* button and request it!
About America: Diversity UPDATED LINK! - Stories about diverse individuals, groups, traditions, and activities in the United States today (U.S. Department of State). Multicultural Literature in the United States Today [Archived page; link opens a PDF] features distinguished American writers from various ethnic backgrounds offering tales of their native lands and their experiences as Americans (2009, U.S. Department of State). See also Immigrants links, below (South Plainfield Public Library).
Census Briefs - Reports from the 2010 U.S. Census (scroll down to 2010 Census Briefs) on various population groups, including American Indian & Alaska Native, Asian, Black, White, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, and Older Americans, plus related information. Reports are in PDF, about 20 pages each. This page also provides information from the 2020 Census, plus links to fact sheets, infographics & visualizations, video, and other resources from previous censuses back to 1790, by decade. High school and up. (US Census Bureau)
Diversity in Congress - Briefly summarizes the history of Hispanic Americans in Congress, African-Americans in Congress, and Women in Congress, with links to related material; high school and up. (Office of the Clerk, U.S. Capitol)
Diversity in New Jersey History - A collection of articles on the diversity of people, places, products and talents that have contributed to New Jersey over the past 350 years. (Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area and New Jersey Historical Commission)
EdSitement - Offers a variety of heritage learning materials for students and teachers, on Asian-Pacific Heritage, Hispanic Heritage Heritage, Jewish-American Heritage, LGBTQ Community in American History, Native American Heritage, and Women's History (National Endowment for the Humanities).
Ellis Island - Explores the history of the first Federal immigration station at Ellis Island. Statue of Liberty includes an overview of the statue's history, with pictures (Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation). See also Immigrant Experience links.
Ethnic America: Voices - Primary sources and related materials on a diversity of American ethnic groups. High school and up. (Digital History, University of Houston)
Eugenics in the U.S. - An overview of the American eugenics movement, which advocated forced sterilization of certain people in order to ''remove from the population genes thought to cause low intelligence, or immoral, criminal or anti-social behavior.' Includes discussion questions, and excerpts from contemporary accounts & court opinions (Ashland University). See also Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States (2016 - 2020, PBS), and Eugenics Exhibit (Museum of Disability History). Eugenics Archive (Canada) VIDEO INTERACTIVE explores the history of eugenics in Canada and around the world. It includes a eugenics encyclopedia, interactive game, timeline, personal stories told by eugenics survivors, and more; high school and up (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). For more on the international impact of eugenics theory, see Holocaust Encyclopedia: Eugenics NEW! (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). See also History of Disability links, below.
Explaining Diversity [Archived page] - Different groups have different ways of responding to the common concerns of life: finding food and shelter, building relationships, defining ourselves, coming of age, forming communities, traveling from place to place-and many others. This site explores how the forces of environment, history, and creativity shape the varieties of human culture. (2007, Field Museum, Chicago)
Facing History and Ourselves VIDEO [NOTE: Free registration required for access to teaching materials] - Teaching resources that connect current events with historical background. Covers topics such as Democracy & Civic Engagement, Racism, Antisemitism, Genocide, Global Migration & Immigration, Human & Civil Rights, and more. Middle school and up. (Facing History and Ourselves; non-profit organization)
Fashion and Race - Resources that ''reveal the inextricable link between 'race,' power, privilege and aesthetics;'' high school and up. (Kimberly M. Jenkins, Assistant Professor, Ryerson University)
Folk Streams VIDEO - Independent films and videos depicting a wide range of American folk, traditional, regional and vernacular culture from traditional fiddle music to 'Steppin' and hip-hop. Includes folk life, folkways, folklore and documentary films, with extensive background materials. You can filter films by category or by region. High school and up. (Non-profit site)
Food & Culture links - Selected links on the meaning of food, food history, production, & uses of foods, and more.
Immigrants: First Days VIDEO - A large collection of stories by immigrants about their first days in the U.S., covering the period from 1939 - 2021. You can search by keyword, or browse stories by year, and/or by places of departure and arrival (First Days Project, South Asian American Digital Archive). On the I am a Migrant website, individuals from many countries share their stories, providing honest insight into the triumphs and hardships of migrants of all backgrounds (United Nations). See also Your Story Our Story (Lower East Side Tenement Museum), Immigrant Stories VIDEO (Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota), and My America: Immigrant and Refugee Writers Today VIDEO (American Writers Museum). For additional resources, see our Immigrant Experience links (South Plainfield Public Library).
Immigration 101 - Explains how the U.S. immigration system works, along with background, history, data, and analysis on hot topics in immigration; high school and up (American Immigration Council).
It's International! [Archived pages] - An online magazine offering articles by international students on ethnic customs & traditions, food, games, holidays, clothing, and more. (1997 - 2009; Topics: An Online Magazine for Learners of English)
Learning for Justice: Students Texts [Free registration required to access many resources] - A searchable library of short texts (both recent and historical) offering a diverse mix of stories and perspectives. Choose from informational and literary nonfiction texts, literature, photographs, political cartoons, interviews, infographics and more. You can also filter by text type, grade level, subject and topic (Southern Poverty Law Center; non-profit organization). See also Librarians' Social Justice Reading Recommendations, below.
Military - See Veterans Stories to learn about diversity in the military, including African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, women and LGBT.
National Parks Cultural Heritage Sites - Information about many places of significance in the history of African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders, people with disabilities, European Americans, Indigenous Americans, LGBTQ, and women. Featured parks, places, education resources, theme study, and additional resources are provided for each topic. (U.S. National Park Service)
Peace Corps - See Peace Corps Stories.
Pew Research Topics - Public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Topics include diverse racial, ethnic, religious, and gender groups and subjects. High school and up. (Pew Research Center)
Records of Rights - A collection of primary documents with explanatory text, exploring the ongoing struggle of African Americans, immigrants, and women to define, attain, and protect their rights. Use the 'ONLINE EXHIBIT' dropdown menu to choose a topic. High school and up. (U.S. National Archives)
Refugee Backgrounders - Online publications about the cultural background of various refugee populations, including topics such as history, geography, economy, social structure, gender roles, language, education and religion. See All Resources VIDEO for additional info, videos & lesson plans. High school and up. (Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange [CORE]; CORE is funded by the U.S. Department of State and administered by the International Rescue Committee)
Respect - A newsletter on legal issues related to diversity, for grades 6 and up. Covers issues such as religious discrimination, criminal justice reform, voter suppression, policing & race, and many others; published three times a year. Scroll down the page to the heading Respect, a diversity newsletter. (New Jersey State Bar Foundation)
Talking About Race - Tools and guidance to help you in understanding and talking about race. Covers topics such as bias, historical foundations of race, race & racial identity, social identity & systems of oppression, and others. (National Museum of African American History & Culture)
Understanding Race VIDEO INTERACTIVE - Explains differences among people and reveals the reality - and unreality - of race, through the eyes of history, science and lived experience (2006 - 2019, American Anthropological Association).
Veterans - See Veterans Stories to learn about diversity in the military, including African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, women and LGBT.
What It Means to Be American - 'Brings together leading thinkers, public figures, and Americans from all walks of life to explore big, visceral questions about how our nation's past can help us understand its present and imagine its future.' (Smithsonian, Arizona State University, and Zócalo Public Square)
Wonderopolis® Collections - Explore a variety of 'Wonders' on a single topic from the convenience of one page. The themes of these 'Collections' include Asian American & Pacific Islanders, Black History, Hispanic Heritage, Jewish History, and Women's History (National Center for Families Learning).
African & African-American
AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY ONLINE (Facts on File) - Covering more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture, with tablet/mobile-friendly videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines. If you're using this resource at home, you'll have to enter your library card barcode to begin.
BLACK FREEDOM - Select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Includes approximately 1,600 documents focused on six different phases of Black Freedom: Slavery and the Abolitionist Movement (1790-1860), The Civil War and the Reconstruction Era (1861-1877), Jim Crow Era from 1878 to the Great Depression (1878-1932), The New Deal and World War II (1933-1945), The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements (1946-1975), The Contemporary Era (1976-2000). Middle school and up; provided at no cost by ProQuest.
See also:
African American Experience
African History
101 African American Firsts - A list of the first African Americans in a variety of areas of achievement in government, law, diplomacy, the military, science & medicine, sports, literature, and other fields. Each name is linked to a short biography and image. (2020,; Dr. Quintard Taylor, Professor at University of Washington, et al.)
African American History - See Black History Month, below, and African American Experience. See also African History. (South Plainfield Public Library)
African Arts Playtime Activities INTERACTIVE [NOTE: Archived page, some links are broken] - An assortment of fun activities related to African arts. Age level varies. There are also home learning activities VIDEO for grades K-12 (Smithsonian). See also African Art and African Music & Dance links.
Black History Month (February) - An online exhibit paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society (Library of Congress et al.). Black History Month Lessons & Resources has links to lesson plans, activities, background materials, quizzes, printables, and audio/video resources for grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 (2023, National Education Association). See also African American History Month VIDEO (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources)
Black Leadership - See Black Leadership and related links on our Government page.
Black Lives Matter Movement - Articles on the Black Lives Matter movement protesting police brutality and unnecessary deadly force against people of color. Includes articles on many such incidents and their victims, from 1938 to 2021, with links to related information. (
Booklists for Younger Readers: Colors of our Community - Includes a booklist focussing on the African American community (South Plainfield Public Library). Librarians' Social Justice Reading Recommendations for Kids and Families is 'a social justice reading list... for kids in pre-K, elementary, and middle school. Some titles include mature content; parents and families are advised to use care in discussing the books with their children' (2020, American Library Association).
Juneteenth: Black Independence Day - A brief overview of the history & legacy of Juneteenth (National Museum of African American History & Culture). See also What Is Juneteenth? (PBS/The Root), 12 Fascinating Facts About Juneteenth (2023, Mental Floss), and 10 Facts: Juneteenth (2023, American Battlefield Trust). See Booklists for Younger Readers: Juneteenth for recommended reading.
Say It Loud VIDEO - A series of short videos celebrating Black culture, context, and history, giving you 'a comedic take on identity and pop culture, from Black pride movements to Black Twitter shenanigans. The show explores the complexity of Black experience and finds joy in the many ways Black folks have influenced American life.' High school and up. (PBS Digital Studios)
Arab, Arab-American & Muslim
See also:
Immigrant Experience
Middle East History
Al-Bab: An Open Door to the Arab World - Articles, blog, and links relating to all aspects of the Arab world, as well as individual Arab countries. (By British journalist/author Brian Whitaker; site includes advertisements)
American Muslims and Religious Freedom FAQ - Online publication that aims to 'provide the public with accurate answers to understandable questions. The resource reflects widely-shared views among American Muslims on important topics such as sharia, jihad, the role of mosques and the relationship between religious and civil legal codes.' (2012, Interfaith Alliance and The First Amendment Center)
Arab Americans: History, Culture and Contributions [Link opens a PDF] - Provides a 'Demographic Portrait' of the Arab American population and Histories of Arab American Immigration, plus FAQs, Holidays, Cultural Practices & Food, and more; for high school and advanced middle school students (2019, Arab American National Museum; an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution).
Booklists for Younger Readers: Colors of our Community - Includes a booklist focussing on the Middle Eastern community (South Plainfield Public Library).
Muslim Heritage VIDEO - Articles on various aspects of Muslim heritage, including science, environment, culture, people, books, and more. High school and up (Foundation for Science Technology and Civilisation, UK). See also 1001 Inventions (UK non-profit organization).
Muslim Veils - Illustrations and descriptions of the different types of veils worn by Muslim women, including the hijab, burka, chador, and others. (BBC)
Muslims [Archived page] - An overview of the beliefs & daily lives of Muslims, plus a glossary and Islam timeline. (2002, PBS Frontline)
Asian & Asian-American
See also:
Immigrant Experience
Asian History
For links on Buddhism, Hinduism, and Shinto
see: Religion - General / Other
For links on Islam
see: Arab, Arab-American & Muslim
Asia Society: Family Activities VIDEO - At-home lessons and activities for young learners exploring the diverse cultures of Asia, including food, holidays, crafts and more. Teachers and older students, see Lesson Plans and Curriculum Resources. (Asia Society; non-profit organization)
Asian Nation - Asian-American culture, history, and current issues. 'You can think of Asian-Nation as an online version of 'Asian Americans 101'.' High school and up. (By Dr. C.N. Le UPDATED LINK!, University of Massachusetts)
Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (May) - An online exhibit paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success (Library of Congress et al.). See also Asian American and Pacific Islanders Wonders (Wonderopolis®; National Center for Families Learning), and Asian American and Pacific American Heritage Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources).
Booklists for Younger Readers: Colors of our Community - Includes booklists focussing on the Asian and South Asian communities (South Plainfield Public Library).
Hmong 'New Year' in the U.S. VIDEO - Describes traditional practices of the most important spiritual celebration in the Hmong calendar, and how they are celebrated in the U.S. by the Hmong people; high school and up (2023, Associated Press). See also 10 things about Hmong culture, food and language (2015, Minnesota Public Radio).
India: History and Politics of India [Archived page, links are broken; use the menu (right or bottom of the page) to navigate] - Explores the history and politics of India from ancient times, through Mughal and British rule, to 2008. (1998 & 2007 by Vinay Lal, UCLA)
Japanese American National Museum VIDEO - 'Activities and resources for learners of all ages that make learning about the Japanese American experience engaging and exciting. Resources include printable offline activities, origami videos, web resources and lessons, printable curriculum, and more' (an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution). See also Japanese-American WWII Internment links.
Korean Life - Explores the clothing & fashion, food, housing, festivals & holidays, and religion of South Korea. Additional topics may be found under About Korea in the menu. (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Korean Culture and Information Service). Korean American Story AUDIO VIDEO shares personal stories of the Korean American experience; also includes podcasts and videos (non-profit organization).
Pakistan: Culture NEW! - A brief overview of Pakistani arts & culture, with related links (American Institute of Pakistan Studies). See also About Pakistani Americans NEW! (American Pakistan Foundation). High school and up
People's History of Asian America VIDEO - A series of short videos telling the history of Asian Americans through the microaggressions and stereotypes this community faces; high school and up. (PBS Digital Studios)
Catholic Encyclopedia - Online edition of the original Catholic Encyclopedia (ca. 1910), with articles arranged A to Z; also searchable by keyword. (Site includes advertisements)
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - An extensive library of 'Christian Classics' currently in the public domain, including Bibles and Commentaries, Catechisms, Liturgies, Fiction, History, Hymns and Hymnology, Sermons, and Reference works. You can search by keyword(s) or browse by author, title, or subject. Texts are available in a variety of digital formats. High school and up (Calvin College; site includes advertisements). See also Bible links.
People with Disabilities
See also:
People with Disabilities Webfinder
PARENTING & FAMILY: Families with Special Needs
American with Disabilities Act History - An overview of the struggle for the rights of people with disabilities, with links to additional information. (2020, All of Us / Disability History Association)
Blindness - A brief overview of what it's like to have serious vision problems (KidsHealth, Nemours Foundation). To learn more about Braille, see The Braille Bug; for grades 3 through 6 (American Foundation for the Blind).
Books about People with Disabilities: Schneider Family Book Award UPDATED LINK! [Scroll to 'Winner List' under Award Information] - This award is given 'to honor an author or illustrator for a book that embodies an artistic expression of the disability experience for child and adolescent audiences.' The web page lists & describes all the winning books from 2004 - present (American Library Association). See also Books, Reading & Libraries: Special Needs and Disabilities in Children's Books (South Plainfield Public Library).
Deafness Information VIDEO - Resources tailored to parents and teachers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing (Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center). For a brief overview, see Hearing Loss for Kids or Hearing Impairment for Teens (KidsHealth, Nemours Foundation). See also USEFUL WEBSITES - HEALTH: Hearing & Noise links.
Eugenics - See Eugenics links, above.
Friends with disabilities - Helpful hints on how to interact with someone who has a disability, plus links to related pages (Easter Seals). For etiquette advice specific to different types of disabilities, see Disability Etiquette: Tips On Interacting With People With Disabilities [Link opens a PDF] (United Spinal Association).
History of Disability: from 1050 to the Present Day AUDIO - Explores disabled people's lives in British history (Historic England). Nineteenth-Century Disability: Cultures and Contexts is a collection of primary texts and images about physical and cognitive disability in the nineteenth century (Karen Bourrier, Christopher Keep, et al.). All for high school and up. The Museum of Disability History has a collection of online exhibits 'dedicated to advancing the understanding, acceptance and independence of people with disabilities.' Includes illustrated presentations on the history of disability in Media, in Medicine, in Society, in Education, and more; with timelines (People Inc. & the B. Thomas Golisano Foundation). See also Eugenics, above.
Myths and Facts About People with Disabilities - Corrects common misinformation and misunderstandings about what it's like to live with a disability. (Easter Seals)
Special Books by Special Kids (SBSK) VIDEO - Contrary to the title, this is actually a collection of video interviews with disabled and neurodiverse people (non-profit organization; videos hosted on YouTube).
See also:
Immigrant Experience
European History
Dutch Americans - Resources on the history of the Dutch in America, including biographical profiles of prominent Dutch Americans from original settlers to those who impact our world today (New Netherland Institute).
Greek-American Heritage Month - Resources include links on Ancient Greek Toys, Greek Cooking for kids, Greek Mythology lesson plans, and more (NJSACC, New Jersey School-Age Child Care Coalition ).
Irish in America - A history of the Irish in America and their contributions to American society and culture, from the time of the Revolutionary War through the present era (Irish American Hall of Fame; non-profit organization). See also Irish American Heritage Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources).
Italian Americans: Italian Heritage - Articles on an assortment of topics on Italian-American culture & heritage, such as Columbus Day, the Italian flag, the history of pizza, Italian-Americans in the Civil War, and more (UNICO National, an Italian American service organization).
German Americans - An online booklet reviewing the immigration of Germans to America and exploring German-American identity (University of Wisconsin).
Polish American Heritage - Materials on Polish history & culture (Polish American Cultural Center Museum). For additional Polish-American resources, see Polish Organizations [Archived page] (Kosciuszko Foundation, American Center for Polish culture).
Hispanic-American & Latino
See also:
Latin American History
13 Hispanic Women Who Changed the World - Hispanic women who have changed the course of history with their talents, smarts, and determination (2022, Reader's Digest).
Arts of Latin America AUDIO VIDEO - 'Travel through the diverse cultures of Latin America, as represented by artists from Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas and California. Enjoy art rich in both tradition and innovation.' Includes video, audio, and lesson plans (Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts). See also Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art (Smithsonian Institution).
Booklists for Younger Readers: Colors of our Community - Includes a booklist focussing on the Hispanic/Latino community (South Plainfield Public Library).
Caribbean American Heritage Month (June) - Documents the rich culture and heritage of the Caribbean American people and their contribution to the United States of America. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources)
Hispanic American Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15) - An online exhibit paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society (Library of Congress et al.). See also Hispanic Heritage Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources).
Latino Civil Rights - A timeline of Latino Civil Rights from 1903 to 2006, with links to lesson plans and related learning materials (Learning for Justice, Southern Poverty Law Center; non-profit organization).
Latino Heritage - Resources on American Latino Heritage, including info about places associated with Latino American history, and about Latino people and their role in American history. Pages for the historic sites explain their significance and their stories, and include photographs and other illustrations. See American Latino Heritage Theme Study: American Latinos and the Making of the United States for essays on specific aspects of the American Latino experience such as arts, business, education, food, labor, law, religion, science, sports, and more. (National Park Service)
VOCES VIDEO - An oral history project highlighting the contributions of U.S. Latinos and Latinas of the WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War generations. Most of the stories feature military veterans, but the broader Latino civilian experience of men and women alike is also documented. Now includes Voces of a Pandemic VIDEO, interviews with members of the Latinx community affected by the Coronavirus; videos hosted on YouTube. (University of Texas)
See Arab, Arab-American & Muslim section, above.
See also:
Immigrant Experience
European History
Middle East History
The Bible - See Bible links.
Holocaust - See HISTORY: Holocaust links.
Jewish American Heritage Month (May) - An online exhibit paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who have helped form the fabric of American history, culture and society (Library of Congress et al.). See also Jewish American Heritage Month - The Weitzman (Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia), and Jewish American Heritage Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources).
Jewish-Americans [Archived page; videos do not play] - Explores Jewish American history from the first Jews to arrive in New Amsterdam in 1654, to Jewish life in modern America. Includes special topics such as anti-semitism, responses to the Holocaust, Jews in sports and the arts, and more (PBS et al; site includes advertisements).
Jewish Encyclopedia - 'The complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia... over 15,000 articles and illustrations.' Originally published between 1901-1906, so it does not cover significant events in modern Jewish History - e.g., the Holocaust, the creation of Israel, etc. (Site includes advertisements)
Judaism: My Jewish Learning - Articles about 'all aspects of Judaism and Jewish life - from food to history to beliefs and practices... geared toward all backgrounds and level of knowledge' (part of 70 Faces Media, a non-profit Jewish media organization; site includes advertisements). Reform Judaism has info about Jewish Holidays, Reform Jewish Life, Beliefs & Practices, and more.
Only in America - Brief profiles of Jewish Americans who have made important contributions to American life and history, in Arts & Entertainment, Business & Philanthropy, Literature, Politics, Law, & Activism, Religion & Thought, Science & Medicine, and Sports. The updated Ed Snider Only in America Gallery page includes a Virtual Tour VIDEO with videos (Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia)
The Global Divide on Homosexuality - A 2020 overview of laws, norms, and public opinion surrounding the issue of same-sex marriage and the rights of LGBT people in countries around the world. For more recent data and related facts, see LGBTQ Acceptance. (Pew Research Center)
LGBTQ Heritage - A collection of resources on the histories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans. Includes resources for educators on LGBTQ history and links to additional resources and information (National Park Service). See also LGBTQ+ Pride Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources), and Unheard Voices: Stories of LGBT History (2020, Anti-Defamation League). For links to additional resources relating to heterosexism, homophobia, antigay violence, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other topics, see Heterosexism [Archived page; expect some broken links] (Part of the Understanding Prejudice website).
Making Gay History AUDIO - An audio archive of rare interviews which bring the history of the LGBTQ civil rights movement to life through the voices of the people who lived it. (By author Eric Marcus at al.)
Religion - General / Other
Atheism (BBC Religion) [Archived page] - An overview of atheism, with information on different types of atheism, beliefs, history, proponents, and rites & rituals. (2014, BBC)
BBC Religious Education VIDEO - Covers the basics of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, and Non-religious beliefs (humanism), and includes videos, interactives, and activities; for elementary & middle school students. BBC Religions of the World Guide [Archived page] [CAUTION: This site includes links to Wikipedia articles] explores 16 world religions, including Ba'hai, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Rastafari, Paganism, Taoism, Shinto, and Sikhism, as well as atheism. Provides an overview of each religion, plus more detailed information about beliefs, history, customs & practices, holy days & festivals, ethics, texts, and other topics; high school and up. (British Broadcasting Corporation)
Buddhism: A Five-Minute Introduction - Brief answers to common questions about Buddhism; see related materials at Buddhist Studies for Primary and Secondary Students (BuddhaNet, non-profit organisation affiliated with the Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc). See also Following the Buddha's Footsteps and (by Professor Ron Epstein, Intitute for World Religions in Berkeley, California).
Hinduism for Schools - Explains the beliefs and practices of Hindus; separate sections for elementary and secondary school students. (Vivekananda Centre of London). See Hinduism 101 & Hinduism Basics VIDEO for high school and up (Hindu American Foundation).
Religious Restrictions Around the World - Articles about current conditions of religious restrictions & hostilities imposed by both governments and societies at large around the world. See additional research on a range of religious topics including Religion & U.S. Politics, Religion & Media, Religious Beliefs & Practices, Religious Extremism, and more, plus research on individual religious groups such as Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others. High school and up. (Pew Research Center)
Shinto: What is Shinto? - A short overview of the beliefs and practices of Japan's indigenous Shinto religion. (International Shinto Foundation)
AMERICAN WOMEN'S HISTORY ONLINE (Facts on File) - Covers the important people, events, legislation, and issues relevant to the study of women's history in the United States. [NOTE: Facts on File's American Women's History is no longer available as a separate database. Its content has been moved to
Facts on File's American History Online].
See also:
Women's History
Click! The Ongoing Feminist Revolution VIDEO - 'An online exhibit about the history of feminism, Click! covers feminist history and the feminist movement, the women's rights movement and history of women's rights.' (Clio Visualizing History, a non-profit education organization)
Remarkable Legacies of American Women - A collection of resources on American women's history. Includes resources for educators and links to additional resources and information (National Park Service).
Women's History Month (March) - An online exhibit commemorating and encouraging the study, observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history (Library of Congress et al.). See also Women's History Month (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; primary sources)
Women's History Links - Selected links to women's history websites. See also BIOGRAPHY: Women in American History and subsequent links. (South Plainfield Public Library)