South Plainfield Public Library Limited In-Person Service


Please be aware that masking and other requirements may be revised without notice as changing conditions require, to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy. For the latest information, you may call the library at (908) 754-7885.

Currently, masks are optional inside the library, except where otherwise specified.

We encourage all visitors to maintain 6' social distancing guidelines inside the building.

We have masks, gloves, and disinfecting wipes available for patrons who request them.

Indoor book drops are open. We also have a drive-up book/AV drop located just across from the library's front steps.

Traffic flow signs have been removed.

Newspapers are available.

Returned materials are no longer quarantined.

Many of our programs now offer you a choice of in-person or online attendance. Please be aware that spaces are limited for in-person attendance, so register early! Sign up for our Adult Programs Newsletter and/or Children's Room Newsletter to get the earliest notice of upcoming programs by email, or check our front page often for our current hours and program schedule.

  1. Patrons may come in to browse the collection and checkout materials, and to use computers and photocopier. The public access catalog is available for patrons to use.
  2. Use of library computers: Patrons are limited to a single one-hour computer session per day. If space permits an additional one-hour session will be given for a maximum of two hours per day. Computers will be assigned and staff will remotely log users on. Staff will only be able to provide remote assistance with computers - no personal instruction will be available. A maximum of 6 computers can be in use at one time. Please do not use wipes on our computer screens.
  3. Fax and Notary services are available - see the linked pages for details.